The Wave Profile Generator & Mass Hydrogen Production



the ocean is one of the most powerful and miraculous masses the world has to offer. The constant push and pull forces from the heat of the sun, to the gravity of the moon, the ocean is a turbulent place from the surface all the way deep down at the bottom.

Using the ocean as an energy source was just like the L E D. LEDs were laughed at as light sources because the just weren’t powerful enough. Fast forward 20 years later and incandescent light bulbs are almost extinct. Clean energy from the ocean is ready for the same revolution!

There are several styles of ocean energy capture devices. Today, we will be covering the wave profile generator. One of the biggest advantages to using the crests and valleys of ocean waves over solar options is that waves consistently occur At every moment of every day. Currently, The biggest waste associated with ocean energy is running miles of copper cables to shore so that the electricity can be integrated into the centralized power grid. This isn't necessary with the Hydrovale plan for large scale energy production. Let's take a look at the physics occuring inside the Wave Profile Generator!

The Wave Profile Generator

The physics behind a wave profile generator are very similar to the Hydrovale Nova steam turbine. Magnets on a drive shaft rotate and create an electric current through a copper coil. The difference is that instead of using steam, the force of the waves pushes a piston filled with a fluid to spin the fan blades in the kinetic energy conversion to electricity.

Since the drive shaft switches direction depending if the piston is going up or down, AC current is created and needs a rectifier to convert the current to DC. Multiple coils produce electricity in the kilowatts range and it’s not unheard of to reach 2 hundred 50 Kw per buoy.

The Hydrovale Strategy

Instead of running power back to shore, a rig will be built in a huge array of Wave profile generators and will instantly convert ocean water into Hydrogen. New hydrogen transportation sea vessels have been engineered and are getting ready for production by companies like Kawasaki.

It takes 49 mega watt hours to produce a ton of hydrogen by means of electrahl losis. So at 2 hundred 50 kw it will take less than 200 generators to produce 1 ton of hydrogen per hour, also creating 8 tons of oxygen and removing about 9 tons of ocean water an hour.

What’s important, is that copper is the most expensivematerial in the generator. So not having to manufacture miles of cables will allow a hydrogen production facility to deliver more energy at a lower startup cost.

Creating Demand With Consumer Products

Finally, all that's left is to create a demand. Thats where the Nova Product Line comes into play!

James Gluz

James Gluz has a long history with graphic design and Post Production for film. James Gluz has 10 years experience with Facebook and social media as well as managing ads. James Gluz would love to help you succeed with you Digital Advertising endeavors. He also like Xbox Series X and Video Games in general. He is proficient with Photoshop, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier.

My personal interests are:Video Games, Xbox, Windows, Dell, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Soda Water, Coca Cola, San Pellegrino, Netflix, Hulu, Star Trek

Green Energy Investments For Small Business


How Does The Hydrovale Nova Work?