Is Hydrogen Environmentally Friendly?

Among all the combustable fuels, hydrogen is considered as the most environmentally friendly fuel. Hydrogen is clean, sustainable fuel and is being standardzied all across the globe. It also has the ability to substitute the present energy infrastructure which is based onnatural gas and propane.


Is There Anything That Makes Hydrogen Gas Unsafe For Consumer Use?

Hydrogen gas has a very low viscosity. This means that as a gas, Hydrogen is thin. So when there is a leak its easier for Hydrogen to escape. An air tight seal is not necesasarily Hydrogen tight. The Hydrogen Molecule is as small as they come and more Hydrogen can leak out of a broken seal than air or natural gas. This may sound scary, but Hydrogen is harder to ignite and more Hydrogen in the air does not mean that there is greater risk of explosion than natural gas.


Why Is Hydrogen Not Environmentally-Friendly?

Immediatley, you will notice that the Hydrogen Capital of The USA is Texas. Most Space Faring Rockets use liquid Hydrogen as one of the stages of their boosters so it makes sense that Texas would be producing most of our Hydrogen because of Nasa, SpaceX, and Blue Origin. Most of the US Hydrogen is still produced from Fossil Fuels. This is not true throughout most of the world so we will be sourcing our Hydrogen from Clean Sources when Hydrovale Nova hits scale (saturation) and will be aggressively developing a clean Hydrogen Infrastracture to make the USA energy independant.


Are There Any Harmful Byproducts From Making Clean Hydrogen?

Our Clean Hydrogen Production design is to use the ocean. After being carefully cleaned and filtered electrolytes like salt (NaCl) remain and are necessary in order to split Water into Hydrogen and Oxygen gases. So obviously thete is a huge byproduct of Oxygen gas which contains most of the waters mass. Sea salt will split into Chlorine Gas and Sodium Hydroxide. On a large scale, Chlorine Gas is a comodity sold for a variety of industrial uses. Sodium Hydroxide is used in many consumer items such as soaps, dyes, and can be found in oven cleaners and commercial drain cleaners. In the end, nothing has to go to waste!


James Gluz

James Gluz has a long history with graphic design and Post Production for film. James Gluz has 10 years experience with Facebook and social media as well as managing ads. James Gluz would love to help you succeed with you Digital Advertising endeavors. He also like Xbox Series X and Video Games in general. He is proficient with Photoshop, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier.

My personal interests are:Video Games, Xbox, Windows, Dell, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Soda Water, Coca Cola, San Pellegrino, Netflix, Hulu, Star Trek

Hydrovale Nova Ventus Regional Hydrogen Fueled Power Plant Concept


Green Energy Investments For Small Business