Can Climate Change Be Reversed?

Can Climate Change Be Reversed? By James Gluz

When bringing up the subject of climate change, we have to break it apart into 3 categories. Firstly, Humanity and Fossil Fuels obviously did not cause the Ice Age. Yet, there was a dramatic change in temperature.  Second, during the age of the dinosaurs there was an extreme decrease of oxygen in the atmosphere which created many evolutionary changes moving forward. We can attribute this climate change to natural disasters like the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs.

Can Climate Change Be Reversed? By James Gluz

Finally we have climate change caused by increased carbon dioxide in the air from burning fossil fuels and throwing in some methane from the increase of livestock needed to feed a population of 8 billion people and we have a type of climate change that was created by us,everyday people. We the people, can reverse the damage and end the toxic effects of our existence permanently with very little effort.

We here at Hydrovale would like to introduce you to the elusive H2 molecule. Also known as hydrogen gas, it is the most abundant element in the universe. It’s lighter than air and when you add a little bit of oxygen and a flame it produces  water vapor as a byproduct instead of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This means if you replace the natural gas coming to your home for your furnace and stove, you can virtually eliminate the biggest threats of carbon dioxide poisoning in your home.  Wouldn't it be great if the carbon monoxide sensors in your smoke alarms were just a relic of the past just like the natural gas we no longer need?

Make A Difference!

Getting rid of Natural Gas as a fuel is a huge dream and we can’t start there just yet. We can all start small like taking all the smallest devices of the main power grid. Like cell phones, tablets, & Laptop computers.  I’d like to introduce you to the Hydrovale Nova. A desktop mobile device charging station that runs on clean, sustainable hydrogen. It’s not available yet but it can be soon with a little commitment and an even smaller monetary contribution.  If you have already donated, then you have done your part to make the world a better place. If you haven't, let's make a real difference by getting the Hydrovale Nova on the market. Every little bit helps!

James Gluz

James Gluz has a long history with graphic design and Post Production for film. James Gluz has 10 years experience with Facebook and social media as well as managing ads. James Gluz would love to help you succeed with you Digital Advertising endeavors. He also like Xbox Series X and Video Games in general. He is proficient with Photoshop, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier.

My personal interests are:Video Games, Xbox, Windows, Dell, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Soda Water, Coca Cola, San Pellegrino, Netflix, Hulu, Star Trek

How Does The Hydrovale Nova Work?