Product Details:

  • Zero Carbon Emissions.

  • Made of 95% Recyclable Materials.

  • Radiates A Gentle Warmth.

  • Nightlight Is Great For Low Light Environments.

  • 130 Watt Total Output! Enough 4 Phones, or 2 Tablets, or 1 laptop.

  • Supports Both USB-A & USB-C Devices!

  • Charge Multiple Portable Batteries While producing zero emissions!

  • Track Your Environmental Impact with the free Hydrovale Connect App!

Currently Not Available!

We are in the protoyping phase! We will have a working model real soon, but we need your help to deliver a finished quality Hydrovale Nova charging station to the market! Whether you own a car, boat, or plane, donate a tank of gas and we will be able to deliver our first commercial run of Nova devices in 2023!

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